5 Degree Principle

The 5 Degree Principle

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The 5 Degree Principle

The Five Degree Principle is an atlas to the slowly unfolding, step-by-step path to progress and substantive change. Journey through the compelling fable of struggling executive Lauren and her devoted coach Andrea. Learn how Andrea inspires Lauren to use actionable tools and effective, straightforward strategies to take on tough, interpersonal challenges, both at home and in her workplace. Follow Lauren as she creatively rewrites her life story one step at a time.

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  • TABLE OF CONTENTS ( read online )
  • FOREWARD ( read online )
  • CHAPTER 1: Demonstrate Resilience
  • CHAPTER 2: Rebound from Mistakes ( read an excerpt )
  • CHAPTER 3: Expect the Unexpected
  • CHAPTER 4: Prioritizing Priorities
  • CHAPTER 5: Say No To Say Yes to the Right Things
  • CHAPTER 6: Look For Blind Spots
  • CHAPTER 7: Keep Promises
  • CHAPTER 8: Find Your Happiness and Success Formula
  • CHAPTER 9: Improve the Quality of Your Questions
  • CHAPTER 10: Create New Possibilities
  • CHAPTER 11: Rewrite Your Limiting Stories
  • CHAPTER 12: Choose Connections Carefully
  • CHAPTER 13: Take Control of Yourself
  • CHAPTER 14: Share Your Brilliance
  • CHAPTER 15: Demonstrate Emotional Intelligence

What people are saying

“The Five Degree Principle is an emotionally expressive narrative that invites personal engagement helping readers reconstruct their lives and world perspectives in a new, more positive way.”

– Rick Parsons, Ph.D. Psychologist-Professor-Author

“The Five Degree Principle is like having your own professional coach to improve your career; improve your life. A five degree shift seems so small, but it can produce mind-boggling, monumental results.”

– Scott Collins, EVP, Advertising Sales, AMC and WE tv at AMC Networks

“Rarely is a business book a page-turner, but this one is an exception. I found myself ever wanting to know what happens next. Something in each chapter resonated with me.”

– Anne Jaques, Director, Global Consulting Knowledge Management, Deloitte LLP

“The Five Degree Principle is like having your own professional coach to improve your career; improve your life. A five degree shift seems so small, but it can produce mind-boggling, monumental results.”

“Change doesn’t need to be cataclysmic or emotionally draining, if you parse it out into manageable pieces. (ie 5 degrees!).”

“Shannon’s ability to present sound and sage advice by using personal examples and funny but thought-provoking stories makes the strategies in her 5 Degree Principle book so easy to apply to work and personal life situations.”

“There is such tremendous value in recognizing and maintaining your personal values and beliefs despite of, or in concert with, your work goals, challenges and requirements.”

“The concepts of Rewriting Your Story, Looking for Blind Spots and Creating your Formula for Fulfillment were very timely and helpful in addressing some of the big changes that are currently going on in my life.”

“Shannon’s style, demeanor, mannerisms, materials, and music creates an atmosphere that is loving, calming and leaves the audience open to hearing and applying solid, actionable advice.”