130. Frank Patterson – Value of Time is Attention

Podcast Episode 130 Template (5)

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss

“Cash value of time is attention.” – Frank Patterson

Guest Bio:

Frank Patterson is a studio executive, entrepreneur and higher education thought leader. He serves as President and CEO of Trilith Studios, the second largest purpose-built film studio in North America, where Avengers: Endgame, WandaVision and The Suicide Squad were produced, among others. Most recently, he led the transition of the studio from a facilities business to a three-pillar business focused on content, technology, and world-class facilities. 

Prior to Trilith, Patterson co-founded and served as the CEO of Pulse Evolution Corporation, a technology company that produces hyper-realistic digital humans for live and virtual reality applications. While at Pulse, Patterson produced the immersive live production of Michael Jackson’s “Slave to the Rhythm” at the Billboard Music Awards, which featured an original performance by Pulse’s digital human likeness of the late Michael Jackson.

Patterson launched his entertainment career by founding and leading several film production companies, including Houston Cinema Group and Envisage Media, where he produced and directed straight-to-video feature film content as well as commercials and various video products for brands.

As an educator, Patterson teaches producing at Florida State University’s College of Motion Picture Arts, where he served as dean for 14 years. He has taught at the University of Texas and Chapman University, where he also served as associate dean, and The Los Angeles Film School, where he led the school as president.

The “Hollywood Reporter” named Patterson one of the nation’s top mentors to a generation of Hollywood filmmakers. The Florida Governor’s Office recognized him for “inspiring a generation of Florida filmmakers” and for his “contribution to and support of production in Florida.”

His creative and research activities are focused at the intersection of artificial intelligence and immersive technologies, with an interest in digital human agency.

R.O.G. Takeaway Tips:

  • The cash value of time is attention. Where are you spending yours?
  • Get quality sleep for greater efficacy in your life. 
  • How are you a catalyst for community?
  • Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss


Goal The Goal is the end point, where the client wants to be. The goal has to be defined in such a way that it is very clear to the client when they have achieved it.
Reality The current Reality is where the client is now. What are the issues, the challenges, how far are they away from their goal?
Obstacles There will be Obstacles stopping the client getting from where they are now to where they want to go. If there were no Obstacles the client would already have reached their goal.
Options Once Obstacles have been identified, the client needs to find ways of dealing with them if they are to make progress. These are the Options.
Way Forward The Options then need to be converted into action steps which will take the client to their goal. These are the Way Forward. The “W” of GROW can also include When and by Whom and the Will (or intention or commitment) to do it.


Coming Next:

Please join us next week, Episode 131, with Joe Fortune, CEO, Mast-Jägermeister US.


Frank Patterson, Sheep Jam Productions, Host Shannon Cassidy, Bridge Between, Inc.

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