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Dena Has served as the Executive Director of Girls Inc. of Greater Philadelphia & Southern New Jersey since January 2015. While leading the Philadelphia based affiliate, revenues have grown from $200,000 to over $1.3 million, staff has increased from 3 to 17 and the number of girls served has grown from 1,200 to 3,000.
She is honored to be part of the Girls Inc. family, inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold! Dena began her career as a political risk analysis working for CIGNA in Philadelphia, New York and London and ultimately served as Vice President of International Marketing. She has volunteered at several nonprofits including as President of the Board of Trustees of Congregation Rodeph Shalom, the largest Jewish Congregation in Philadelphia. She has three degrees from Penn including undergraduate and master’s degrees in political science and an MBA from Wharton. Dena is a proud long-time resident of Philadelphia where she lives with her husband and raised two children.
Favorite Quote:
“Strong, smart, and bold.” — The Girls Inc. Mission
Quote From Interview:
“A girl may love to code. But if she gets pregnant, or if she doesn’t have the confidence to walk into an AP math class full of boys, or she gets suspended for fighting, well, it’s going to be a lot harder for her to be successful in that coding career that she loves.”
- 2021 Strong, Smart, Bold Celebration
- Girls Inc. on Twitter (@girlsinc_panj)
- Girls Inc. YouTube Channel
- Learning with Girls Inc. of Philly & S. New Jersey
Dena Herrin, Girls Inc. Production team: Nani Shin, Sheep Jam Productions, qodpod