Episode 86. H Walker – “Add To” vs. “Fitting In” 

EP 86 H Walker

H Walker serves as the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer for Boys & Girls Clubs of America. He is responsible for leading the organization’s diversity, equity and inclusion strategy.

Walker joins Boys & Girls Clubs of America from an extended career with global brands like The Coca-Cola Company, IBM, McDonald’s Corporation, and the United States Postal Service, where he served in numerous organizational culture and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) leadership roles in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. Walker’s work helped transform DEI educational experiences, corporate strategies and structures and inspired senior leaders, staff, membership organizations, franchisees, and suppliers to challenge their own knowledge and truly embrace DEI as a mindset and a way of managing change.

Favorite Quote:

“Love is the gift of the servant leader.” — Lee Bolman & Terrence Deal

Quote from interview:

“If we work eight hours a day, that’s a third of our life. I’ve always squashed the idea that a third of my life did not identify me.”

R.O.G. Takeaway Tips:

Seven (7) ways to “Be” from H’s wisdom:

    1. Be a sentient leader, one who feels, is perceptive and responsive.
    2. Be additive to your current culture instead of figuring out how to “fit in.”
    3. Be selfish. Embrace the “Sanity of selfishness.”
    4. Be the Questioner, approach situations with humble inquiry, instead of judging.
    5. Be mutually adaptive. How can you flex and flow with others?
    6. Be business savvy. Approach Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work as a business initiative. 
    7. Be human. You’re a human being, worthy of respect, dignity and love. So is everyone else.


Coming Next:

Episode 87: We will be joined by Cathleen Quigley, transwoman engineer, performer, philanthropist, and activist.


H Walker, Sheep Jam Productions, Host Shannon Cassidy, Bridge Between, Inc.

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