Team experiences




High performance teams seek to understand their similarities and differences.  They are curious to learn about themselves and each other. One fundamental way to interpret the dynamics of the team is to analyze their behavioral style differences.

The most widely used tool for teams and organizations is DISC. It is an assessment that classifies four aspects of behavior. DISC is an acronym for: Dominance - relating to control, power and assertiveness Influence - relating to social situations and communication Steadiness - relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness Conscientiousness - relating to structure and organization.

Sample Team Report

group wheel migration
behavioral style comparison chart

The Six Types of
Working Genius

Pre-work: Online self-assessment. Book for each person.

The Working Genius assessment is 20% personality and 80% productivity. People who understand their genius show up to work happier, are more effective, and play well with others.

wonder invention discernment galvanizing enablement tenacity gear graphic
  • Clarify which types of work give joy and energy and which types are draining and difficult Avoid making unfair and inaccurate judgments about one another’s motivation.
  • Alleviate guilt about struggles people have with certain types of work Improve dialogue and directives in team meetings.
  • Make quick and concrete adjustments to roles and responsibilities to better tap into one another’s strengths and avoid one another’s weaknesses.
  • Get more done in less time!

Sample Team Report

sample team report graphic


This powerful program packs valuable tools, practical insights and encouragement to honor your core values, invest time in your individual and collective interests, be your authentic self and team and maximize your energy.


  • Build your foundation of core values
  • Discover your interests
  • Rewrite the script to express confidence
  • Understand the power of habits
  • Identify the four sources of energy
  • Commit to strategic action toward progress
V.I.B.E. book cover


Participants will learn to achieve superior results by understanding who they are to increase productivity, improve energy levels and achieve a heightened sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. This interactive and fast-paced program can help develop a high-energy, high-achievement workforce.

Individual V.I.B.E. Design Samples

Be kind drawing
values drawing
spirit drawing


Visual Explorer is a powerful tool for encouraging collaborative conversations and effective dialogue in a safe learning environment. This innovative game uses a series of diverse images to create a visual vocabulary that helps people to express themselves through the use of metaphors, intuition, and emotion. It is 216 diverse, provocative, interesting images that resonate with the human condition.

How is it used?
Visual Explorer produces dialogue rich with images, metaphors, and fresh ideas, while exploring similarities and differences in perceptions and perspectives. It’s useful to help Executive Leadership Teams discern core values, mission and purpose.

explore photos

The Ideal
Team Player


IDEAL TEAM PLAYERS possess a combination of three essential virues—humility, hunger and people smarts—that enable teamwork and make it more likely members can overcome the five dysfunctions that derail teams.

HUMBLE team members are able to be vulnerable, engage in honest conflict and hold others accountable. They define success collectively, commit to team goals and do not value status or ego.

HUNGRY team members are willing to engage in uncomfortable conflict and hold other accountable. They will go above and beyond to achieve results and are always contemplating the next step.

SMART team members understand group dynamics and can tactfully engage in productive conflict. They have good interpersonal skills and tend to understand how to deal with others in the most effective way.

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The Power of 5° Change

Ready to discover how 5° shifts can lead to big results? Start with small changes today.

Take the quiz:

What's your generosity state, right now?

To become a groundbreaking leader, you need to know where you stand. Discover your default generosity style with our free assessment.