183. Amy Volas – Founders, Startups, and…Windex

Amy Volas

The most unexpected place that I see it, (generosity) and it delights me every single time, is when we chuck our assumptions and we keep an open mind and we’re generous about considering a different point of view.

Guest Bio:

Amy Volas is a sales fanatic turned entrepreneur, bitten by the startup bug many moons ago. She founded Avenue Talent Partners (ATP) after $100MM in revenue sold and two successful exits to help early-stage startups make confident hiring decisions by improving the art and science of executive sales and customer success hiring.

She is an LP at Stage 2 Capital, advises a handful of founders, and she’s writing a book about the most common pitfalls for early-stage startups. Moreover, she focuses on Executive search for startups, helping early-stage SaaS founders hire Sales and CS leaders (VP+), coaching founders through her proven framework to help them create their hiring system and strategic advisory. Off-duty, she combines her love of nature with a quirky fascination for Windex.

R.O.G. Takeaway Tips:

  • Seek alignment and clarity
  • Clarify your purpose and…
  • Make confident hiring decisions (score card, journaling, must-haves) 
  • Slow is smooth and smooth is far
  • Instead of only adding, use “or” statements
  • Check assumptions
  • Pay attention to how we feel things and where we feel them.
  • Talk WITH people, not TO people. 
  • Stop. Breathe. Ask a question. 
  • Be self-compassionate.


Where to find R.O.G. Podcast:

How diverse is your network?
N.D.I. Network Diversity Index

What is your Generosity Style?
Generosity Quiz


Amy Volas, Sheep Jam Productions, Host Shannon Cassidy, Bridge Between, Inc.

Coming Next: Please join us next week, Episode 184, with Shannon Cassidy for a Generous Leadership Coaching Tip.

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