The Bridge Blog

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What’s In a Strong Leader?

There are many ways that a strong leader distinguishes themselves from a weak one, or worse, a truly negative one. Often, when you look at leaders around you, their flaws seem obvious but their positive traits are harder to discern. All you really know when you see a leader who is truly strong is that…

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5 Necessary Elements for Effective Teams

You’ve got a team assembled. Now what? Bodies in chairs do not a team make! There are elements which are necessary within a team for it to work as a finely oiled machine. After all, a solid team can create unbelievable results as well as competitive advantage in the marketplace: “The idea of building a…

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The Net Effect of Having A Positive Outlook

In a leadership role, a positive outlook is a vital trait to cultivate! Whether you manage a team or run an entire company, when you are in a position of leadership, you have to be aware of the things that can affect people’s perception of you and your capacity to lead.  A positive outlook is…

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Tips for Effective Presentations to Stakeholders and C-Suite Executives

It’s not the same ballgame as a project update for team leaders! Yes, giving presentations to stakeholders can be a little nerve-wracking. You want to make sure you set the right tone and deliver the appropriate content to achieve whatever purpose the presentation serves. It’s also important to see these events as opportunities to be…

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Is it Possible to Have Influence Without Direct Authority?

Yes, but a few key ingredients are necessary! You’re running a new team for a project but that project requires the participation of individuals who are in other business silos, within the company. In other words, you’re running a team that is comprised of people who don’t actually report to you, on a normal day.…

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Risk Taking: How to Encourage Growth on Your Team

Whether you call it risk-taking or innovation, growth comes from moving forward, not standing still! Taking risks in business is hard enough; allowing your team to do it with only minimal intervention on your part? That is harder still! But it’s risk-taking and creative innovation that encourages team growth, not stagnation., so one of your…

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Providing Quality Feedback to a Team

Getting your feedback message across, without being negative, is the key! Feedback is VERY important when running a team. Regular feedback lets team members know how their work is being perceived and whether they are on the right track. But the very idea of receiving feedback can be upsetting to some, as their past experiences…

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The Importance of Being True to Value Statements

Leaders are, and should be, held to a higher standard. It’s business fashionable to throw around words like ‘value statements’ and ‘mission’ but, in many cases, they are just empty words. Why? Because often leaders in a company don’t actually give those terms any weight, so they become hot air instead of standard operating procedure.…

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How to Get Your Team to Speak Up

We’ve all seen it: that shy employee who has a tremendous amount of knowledge and ability but can’t seem to bring themselves to speak up in groups, meetings or in front of an audience. It’s a loss for the team as a whole when one member doesn’t feel comfortable talking and contributing. Remember that old…

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5 Leadership Traits to Avoid

There is a lot of information out there about ideal leadership qualities, but talking about leadership traits to avoid is important, too. Have you ever had a toxic manager? Someone who poisoned the workspace with their negativity or domineering attitude? It’s not uncommon, and as much as we talk about all the qualities of a…

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Take the Generosity Quiz

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What's your generosity state?

To become a groundbreaking leader, you need to know where you stand. Discover your default generosity style with our free assessment.