Episode 48. Likky Lavji – Blind Spots

ROG EP 48 Likky Lavji Blind Spots

A sought-after keynote speaker, Likky Lavji is passionate about helping others “break barriers” to unleash their human potential. In fact, his middle name, Madat, translates to ‘help’ and he channels this into providing value in every relationship he has – personal and professional. With over 25 years as a CEO of a top IT company, Likky’s extensive experience in executive leadership has given him a unique perspective that remains unchartered by leaders and organizations in understanding the layers beneath human behavior and how it impacts growth and productivity of an organization. He has been acknowledged by prominent organizations, including Telus Corporation, Lenovo Canada and Royal Bank of Canada for his ability to create mindset shift when it comes to commitment and powerful performance to achieve results.

Navigating through our blind spots shouldn’t be all that difficult naturally, or at least we would like to think so. That’s why it’s our BS. There are things we like to believe about ourselves, when in the perception of others, we may be something completely different entirely. At times, we can find ourselves thinking we are already better than we are or have gone further than we actually have. This is unfortunately why many do not reach their full potential. These Blind Spot behaviors only sabotage our own steps in progress, and sadly, the cost of this can be an unfulfilled life or business, and needless failed relationships over time. Once you’re aware of your own BS, the world will open up to you in a whole new way. 

Favorite Quote:

“I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am” — Charles Horton Cooley


Quote from interview:

“Leaders are realizing that it’s about looking at people’s hidden potentials and leading the people and not the company. You lead the people. You work…with them and find out exactly who they are, what they need and be there for the people that you have …you become this incredible leader, the organization just shifts – and the people within that organization shift as well” 



Likky Lavji, Sheep Jam Productions, Host Shannon Cassidy

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