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Shannon Cassidy is a certified Executive Corporate Coach and a renowned authority on behavioral modification and communication. The small incremental changes she teaches and incorporates into her presentations are as easily and instantly executable, as they are effective.
She is the founder, president, and driving force behind bridge between inc., a specialized coaching firm committed to understanding, influencing, and maximizing human potential—a fundamental yet complex characteristic within each of us. Since founding her company in 2000, Shannon has coached hundreds of Fortune 500 executives and their teams. The three services pillars include Executive Coaching, Team Development and Keynote Speaking.
She uses her knowledge and techniques to help clients build a bridge between where they are now and where they want to be. She has been helping audiences of all sizes, from boardroom sessions to convention halls, turn limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging actions into personal breakthroughs and goal achievement for more than 20 years. As entertaining and engaging as they are informative, her presentations reveal her expertise, sense of humor, and empathy, all while communicating the lessons needed to help us find success instead of hindering our potential.
Because she does not simply teach—she engages. She evaluates the need and brings a combination of real-world experience and practical strategies that enable clients to not only survive, but thrive amidst organizational change, new directions, and leadership opportunities.
National Speakers Association Member and has earned a degree in Business and Professional Communication from the University of Rhode Island and certification as an Executive Corporate Coach through the International Coach Federation.
Shannon’s mission is simple—help shift the way we think, act, and respond so we can lead with vision, values, and purpose. Shannon has authored several books including V.I.B.E. an in-depth self-discovery journey; The 5 Degree Principle, leadership fable revealing a familiar journey of career challenges politics and empowerment and Grounded in Gratitude journal.
We grow when we give. When we Give our time. Give praise. Give a hand. Give a damn. We grow together.
This episode is a recap and intends to give gratitude to our generous and inspiring guests who have shared their stories and discoveries throughout their lives and careers.
Themes and Topics since R.O.G. launch in October 2020:
- Generosity is a bit selfish. It feels so good!
- Put your own oxygen mask on first.
- Have accessible tools for leadership.
- Know “you matter” and others matter.
- Ask for help.
- Invest to the future now, through mentoring and coaching.
- Experiencing generosity as a child makes us generous adults.
- Have a generosity strategy to be a thoughtful giver.
- Actively listen.
- Know what your customer needs.
- Mentor and coach.
- Give benefit of the doubt.
- Be Kind, everyone is still healing from things they don’t speak about.
- Be who you are and be that well.
- Build social courage.
- Strengthen your mental toughness and resilience.
- Pay it forward.
- Hand write thank you notes.
- Empower team members to lead.
- Give thanks to all people at every level and role.
- Create psychological and emotional safety.
- Take bias out of hiring and promotional practices.
- Clarify your values and live them.
- Listen to the AAPI Voices series.
- Listen to Black Voices series.
- Listen to the Accessible Voices series.
- Recognize holidays and celebrate with others.
- Hold space for others.
- Practice Servant Leadership by putting People First.
- Discover your Blind Spots.
- Ask Quality Questions.
- Tell Your Authentic Story.
- Practice self-love, self-compassion, self-acceptance.
- Allow your and others micro failures.
Dr. Maya Angelou: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel.” How do you want to make people feel?
Thank you, our listeners. I am grateful.
Thank you to all of our guests, our production team Susie, SarahAnn, Ian and Michael at Sheep Jam Production, Nani, Latoyia, and all of you, our listeners who invest a half hour each week to listen, learn and grow with us.
We grow when we give.
Until then, Happy New Year! Stay generous everyone!
Coming Next:
Episode 65, we will be joined by Denny Nealon, CEO Barclays US Consumer Bank
Shannon Cassidy, Sheep Jam Productions, Host Shannon Cassidy, Bridge Between, Inc.