95. Feedback | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

R.O.G. 95 Feedback

95. Feedback

Think of an example of a behavior from the not-too-distant past. 

Host: Shannon Cassidy

Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and conflict resolution. She provides Executive Coaching, Facilitation (team sessions, retreats, conferences) and Keynote Speaking (conferences, annual events, ceremonies) and Mentoring Programs (associations, ERGs, leadership circles) all custom designed. She has a podcast called R.O.G. Return on Generosity that focuses on how to be a corporate generous leader by sharing time, talent and gratitude. 

Shannon combines her keen ability to get to the heart of every matter with a proven track record as a corporate leader. Before founding bridge between, she spent years building profitable businesses and driving innovation and leadership initiatives. This real-world experience formed the bedrock of her success, enabling her to provide clients with the strategies, tools, and inspiration to thrive during organizational change and lead with vision, values, and purpose.

Shannon has authored several articles and books including Discover Your Inner Strength (2009), The Five Degree Principle: How Small Changes Lead to Big Results (2013), V.I.B.E. A Self-Discovery Journey to Authentic Leadership (2014) and Grounded in Gratitude a one-line-a –day, five-year gratitude journal (2015). Her current efforts focus on the benefits of Generosity at Work.

Bridge Between, Inc. provides two free quizzes to help leaders realize their current state as a Generous Leader and how to diversify their networks. Check them out! 

Guest Favorite Quote

Feedback is a gift. Sometimes it comes in a white box with a red ribbon. Sometimes it comes in a brown paper bag. Either way, it’s a gift. Open it.” — Shannon Cassidy

R.O.G. Takeaway Tips:

Offer someone effective feedback this week. Use the S.B.I. Feedback Model

  1. Situation: A reminder of a time from the not-too-distant past.
  2. Behavior: What did the person say or do, specifically.
  3. Impact: How did that make you feel? How did it affect the situation?

Please share at least three positive S.B.I. Feedback offers and one constructive this week. Get into the Feedback Gym and get some reps in!

When receiving feedback, the only two words you need to say, “Thank you.” Thank them for having the courage to offer you feedback. It’s a gift, even if you disagree or see it differently. Saying, “thank you” after receiving a gift is demonstrating good manners. 


Coming Next:

Episode 96, we will be joined by Steve Drum, retired Navy Seal Master Chief.


Sheep Jam Productions, Host Shannon Cassidy, Bridge Between, Inc.

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