Episode 61. Dr. Omolara Thomas Uwemedimo – Practicing Medicine and Self-Love

R.O.G. EP 61 Dr. Omolara Thomas Uwemedimo

She is a board-certified pediatrician for over 15 years and an academic faculty for over a decade, mentoring women physicians of color. She is CEO and founder of Melanin, Medicine & Motherhood as well as the CEO of Strong Children Wellness. She is an expert on medical racism, addressing equity for women physicians in healthcare, and eliminating health inequities for marginalized children and families. Her work has been featured on NBC News, Essence.com, Newsweek, NPR and many others.

Favorite Quote:

“When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak…and that visibility which makes us most vulnerable is that which also is the source of our greatest strength.” – Audre Lorde

Quote from interview:
We have a lot of women who are moving out of caring for in medicine because one, the places they’ve been taught are the quote unquote safe places at larger institutions are really difficult. And then, we’ve a lot of times have been taught that we can’t actually create our own spaces, you can’t build your own practice it’s gonna need this much capital or the big giant healthcare organization is going to eat you up anyway. It shouldn’t have to look like this”

R.O.G. Takeaway Tips:

Dr. Omolara invites us to ask ourselves some important questions, for ourselves:

  1. What brings you joy?
  2. Are you seen? How well do you see others?
  3. What needs to adapt in your life?

Join us next week for Joze Piranian a lifelong stutterer turned Forbes featured Global TEDx Speaker on Inclusion and Resilience.

Until next week, stay generous everyone!



Coming Next:

Coming Next: Episode 62, we will be joined by Joze Piranian.



Dr. Omalara Tomas Uwemedimo, Sheep Jam Productions, Host Shannon Cassidy, Bridge Between, Inc.

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