Excitement About My Job: Are You Happy?

Invest in Happy

Our identities are often tied up with our occupation because so much of our time is devoted to working. Did you know that the 72-work week is the new norm? According to a recent study of executives, managers and professionals 60% of them who carry smartphones are connected to their jobs 13.5 hours on weekdays and 5.5 hours on weekends. With so much time being devoted to work, wouldn’t it suit you to enjoy what you do?

Tools of the Mind

Your disposition towards your job can go along way in your career. Co-workers want to be around people who are happy, positive, up-beat and have a never say never attitude. The great philosopher Confucius once said “Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life”. Still rings true today. When you are passionate about what you do, you can accomplish anything that you put your mind to.

If you want to know if you are truly happy and excited about your job ask yourself a few simple questions.

  1. Do you like your job?
  2. Do you feel like you are being fairly compensated for your work?
  3. Do you feel like your contributions make a difference?
  4. Do you feel like your ideas and opinions are respected?
  5. Could you imagine yourself doing anything else?
  6. Why do you do what you do?
  7. Are you happy? If not re-read question one.

Excitement feeds your soul as well as others’ around you. Contact us today and let us help you and your career soar again!

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