Get Ready, Get Set, Goal! Achieving Success Through Goal Setting


Goals are an important part of life.  Whether working to become a better version of ourselves, desiring to improve relationships, seeking more fulfillment, or desiring greater success, goals keep us moving forward.  Few people actually take the time to set goals, and even fewer write them down.  But studies have proven that those who actually write down goals are largely successful as compared to those who don’t, let alone those who don’t have a clear sense of their goals.  Developing goals help us to attain a more desirable life, and to build self-confidence as we reflect on the concerted efforts we made to end up in a happier place than where we started.  Working to achieve goals provides a great sense of empowerment.

If you are ready to get on the path toward positive change in your life, getting those goals set and preparing to put them into action will be the key foundation to a stronger, more fulfilled you.  Are you ready?

Get Ready

In preparing to set your goals, it is important to look inward and consider what changes will truly make you happier.  The goals you make should be about you and your desires, and not what you perceive others may want out of you.  Consider what actually motivates you to be the best you that is possible.  Once these reflections are taken into account, begin by making a list of the changes or improvements that you would like to make and prioritize them.  Upon outlining the particular goals you have for yourself, it is time to set your goals, and yourself, up for success.

Get Set

In setting your goals, it is extremely important to articulate them positively. Don’t consider what you will lose; instead, focus on what you will gain.  For example, rather than stating that you would like to eat less junk-food, aim for eating healthfully. Rather than wanting less stress, focus on creating a more balanced lifestyle.  Framing goals in a positive light increases motivation, which leads to success and decreases self-criticism, which leads to defeat.

Secondly, it is important to clearly define your goals. For example, while desiring greater happiness is a great objective, to reach that end, the goal that you set must be not be vague.  What does happiness look like to you? What specific areas in your life can you take control of to create greater happiness?  Once you can clearly specify where you want to arrive at, you are nearly ready to set your goals in place.

A crucial element in setting goals is to ask yourself whether they are realistic and possible for you to attain.  Consider the steps you will need to take in order to reach those goals, and how long it may actually take for those steps to produce a possible outcome. Break big goals down into smaller ones, and set a time-limit that is possible to meet that goal so that you can measure your progress.

Once your specific, positive, realistic goals are written down, you are ready to take action.


Achieving your goals requires action, but if you are going to continue to move toward progress, you need to have prompts and markers in place.  Displaying your goals where you will see them throughout the day will encourage, remind, and motivate you to continue toward success.  Having a support system in place, where a friend, family member, or colleague can check in on your progress is equally important to keeping you accountable in moving forward.  Lastly, it is essential that successes – even small ones – are celebrated, ensuring you that betterment is possible.

Are you ready to make changes in your life? You are the only thing standing in the way. Go for it!

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