How to Increase Your Confidence


It is a well-known fact that confidence is an extremely attractive quality. Confidence

comforts people. People who exude confidence easily obtain the trust and respect of

others because they are comfortable in their skin and therefore comfortable to be

around. In the workforce, individuals who are sure of themselves are the ones who

are given more opportunities and who are trusted with greater tasks. People –

bosses, employees, customers, and co-workers, and friends are drawn to self-

assurance. So what can you do to improve your own confidence in the workplace?



People who smile often are automatically assumed to be confident. In fact, clinical

studies have shown that people who consciously work to smile more increase their

own confidence. Smiling tends to stem from positive thinking, which translates into

a positive attitude. Maintaining a positive attitude is a choice, and confident people

emanate contentment. Need to smile more? Start each day recounting the reasons

you are grateful, and insert reminders throughout the day to reflect on what makes

you happy.


Count Successes

Confident people are more successful. Yet in order to experience success, it is

crucial to set personal and professional goals and benchmarks, and to recognize

them once they are reached. Write down daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals,

and include dates and times that you want to reach them. Be sure to celebrate when

you have achieved them. Measuring successes will increase your confidence, and

you will watch your potential increase, thus causing your confidence to grow.


Surround Yourself With Confidence

“You are the company you keep.” “Walk with the wise and you will grow wise.” “It’s

difficult to soar with eagles when you’re scratching with turkeys.” So many adages

remind us that we become the people that we hang out with. If you want your

confidence to grow, seek out confident people – both in your personal life and in

your professional life. Observe how they talk to and listen to others, how they carry

themselves, how they react to setbacks, how they observe life…and emulate them.



Confident people do not have to hog – nor do they even seek out – the spotlight.

They are comfortable and even happy when others are recognized. Encouragement

is one way that true leaders lead. People grow in satisfaction when they are able to

foster the joy and success of others, and doing so increases the encourager’s



Increase Your Knowledge

Confident people tend to possess knowledge and wisdom – both about themselves

and about the world around them. If you want to grow in confidence, it is important

to become aware of your strengths as well as your limitations. This helps you to put

your own strengths to work, and it lets you know where you can focus on bettering

yourself. Spending at least 20 minutes each day reading up on areas where you

need to become more knowledgeable will both increase your own credibility and

your confidence.


Confidence is an essential trait the business professionals need to possess in order

to achieve greatness. What steps have you taken to build your own confidence?

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