10 Simple Tips for Minimizing Stress

stress management

Are stress and anxiety constant themes in your daily drama? While a little stress is a

regular part of life, too much stress can eat away at happiness, make you less

effective at home and work, and worse, stress can cause negative long-term effects

on overall health. Follow these 10 simple and easy tips to find greater calm,

contentment, and productivity in your life:


Start small and simple.

Don’t let the grand idea of change stress you out. Make a list of alterations you know

you need to make to ultimately de-stress. Start with one small thing, and once that

small thing becomes a habit, move onto the next.


Meditate or Pray.

Start each day focusing on your purpose through a short time of prayer or

meditation. Begin each daily journey by focusing on what truly matters – on “what

it’s all about.” You will be reminded that all the tedious interruptions and

frustrations are just noise, and that noise won’t seem so deafening; rather, a calm

sense of purpose will result.


Foster positivity.

People in positive relationships are proven to have better heart health. Surrounding

yourself with happy people, calling that friend that never ceases to put a smile on

your face, or investing in a pet that will dote on you will result in improved health

and happiness.


Take one step at a time.

Multitasking actually minimizes efficiency. It leads to distractions and scattered

thoughts, thus increasing stress. Focus on what needs to be accomplished in the

moment, accomplish that task, take a deep breath, and move onto the next.



You don’t need to take on massive spring-cleaning projects to get rid of the clutter in

your life. Take 15 minutes per day to tackle a section of your desktop, 10 emails in

your inbox, or 1 drawer. Slowly, you will see the clutter minimize, and that small

sense of accomplishment will replenish your “calm” stash.


Make gratitude your daily vitamin.

It is hard to experience true gratitude and stress simultaneously. Set a reminder in

your phone for three times a day to focus on what you are grateful for – from the air

you are breathing, to the amazing things your body can do, to the creation outside

your window.



Smiling – even fake smiling – releases endorphins in the body. Endorphins are

proven to reduce both pain and stress. Take time throughout your day to pause and

find a way to smile or laugh. Watch a funny video, dance in the break room, and

laugh at yourself!



Like smiling, exercise releases endorphins. The brain loves endorphins and

translates them into pleasure. Start by taking a break for two or three 10-minute

brisk walk between work tasks. Getting up and moving will add positive energy to

your day.


Eat healthy.

Make a point of adding fruits, veggies, and lean proteins to your diet, and avoid

eating junk foods and refined sugars. Whereas junk food sucks energy, healthy food

contributes to a positive mood.


Schedule relaxation.

Make time to de-stress. At least once per week, schedule one non-distraction hour

for yourself. Get a massage, get a pedicure, people-watch at the park, or take a bath.

Turn off your phone. Close your computer. Sit and enjoy the hour of calm. You will

find yourself surprisingly recharged.


No one enjoys being the victim of stress. Start today taking small, proactive steps to

rid that negative emotion and embrace that better version of yourself.


How do you alleviate stress? Share in the comments or contact us.

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