Return on Generosity Podcast Bridge Between Shannon Cassidy
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The R.O.G. Podcast

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What is the return on generous leadership and a generous culture? Host Shannon Cassidy speaks with innovative leaders who share real-life examples of the dividend of investing in others.

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Episode 15. Wide Angle Lens: Images of Empathy, Education and Encouragement

Filemon Lopez is the former Senior Vice President of Strategic Operations for Comcast. Recognized as the first Hispanic executive in the organization, Mr. Lopez held a leading role in the…

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Episode 14. Semper Fi Leadership: Faithfulness and Loyalty

Courtney Lynch is a founding partner of Lead Star, a leadership development consulting firm, who works closely with all levels of leaders — from CEO’s to frontline team members. She…

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Episode 13. Habitual Excellence: Wisdom for the Ages

Cathy Avgiris is a long-time advocate for advancing women and people of color and has over 35 years of experience being “the only woman in the room.” She developed and…

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Episode 12. Top Gun Leadership Part 2: Short-Term Gain vs. Long-Term Success

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Episode 11. Top Gun Leadership Part 1: Connecting to our Purpose

John has been married for 30 years to his best friend and has three boys, daughter in law and a grandson. John started out his career as a Navy fighter…

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Episode 10. Who Do Your Products and Services Reflect? The Business Imperative of Inclusion

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Episode 09. One Big Thing: Safety is Performance Relevant

Shane Portfolio is Senior Vice President of Field Ops Engineering for Comcast Cable where he leads One Network, XOC, Headend Operations, and Plant Maintenance.  Prior to moving to the HQ…

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Episode 08. Accounting for Generosity: Balance Sheet of Giving

Temeka Easter Rice leads social media and brand engagement at a national bank. She’s a national conference speaker on influencer marketing and employee advocacy programs. Temeka recently launched “The Joy…

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Episode 07. A Factory of Lifelong Givers: Quality = Dignity

Michal Smith is the Executive Director of Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia, an organization that provides children living in poverty with the basic essentials they need to thrive at home, at…

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Episode 06. Opportunities for the Future NOW: a Pipeline to Diversity

Margaret “Peggy” Kim is a Peabody and multi-award-winning executive producer, entrepreneur, and educator. Peggy is the Founder and President of iSTANDtv, a content studio and creative incubator for young people…

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Episode 05. Givers Want to Give but Someone’s Got to Ask: Asking for Help is a Sign of Strength

Larry Freed is the CEO of Give and Take Inc., a company whose co-founders include Adam Grant (professor at Wharton, author of Give and Take) and Wayne Baker (professor at Michigan,…

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Episode 04. A Grocery Store Hug: The Alchemy of a True Connection

As President of Cheryl Rice Leadership, Inc., Cheryl Rice inspires women to be leaders in their own lives. For over 20 years as coach, speaker, and writer, she has helped…

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