Return on Generosity Podcast Bridge Between Shannon Cassidy
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The R.O.G. Podcast

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What is the return on generous leadership and a generous culture? Host Shannon Cassidy speaks with innovative leaders who share real-life examples of the dividend of investing in others.

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178. The 5° Principle | Improve the Quality of Your Questions | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

“We thought that we had the answers, it was the questions we had wrong.” – Bono Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development…

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177. Kim Scott – Radical Respect

“Disrupting bias is really important because bias is a pattern and if we don’t publicly correct it, then we reinforce it. We make it more likely that it’s going to…

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176. The 5° Principle | Find Your Happiness and Success Formula | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

“Perhaps if one really knew when one was happy one would know the things that were necessary for one’s life.” Joanna Field, Author, A Life of One’s Own   Shannon…

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175. Liz Christo – A-Game: Uniting Authenticity, Accountability, Autonomy, and Alignment

“You have to give without the expectation of return…you can be pointing your time in the right direction, but it is not a give and take. So much of what…

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174. The 5° Principle | Keep Promises | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

“Action expresses priorities.”  – Mahatma Gandhi Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative…

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173. Patricia Makatsaria – Kindness Habit

“That’s the special thing about kindness. It is so many different things. It can be generosity. It can be forgiveness. It can be trust. Compassion. It’s all these things.” Patricia…

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172. The 5° Principle | Look for Blind Spots | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

“We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.”  – Anaïs Nin Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development…

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171. Kia Afcari – Goodness Helps You Win

“I call it strategic appreciation because you don’t do it strategically, but you do it because you care about the person, and it ends up benefiting you as well. It’s…

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170. The 5° Principle | Say No to Say Yes to the Right Things | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

“Each of us, every waking hour, is called upon to say no, whether to friends or family members, to our bosses, employees, or co-workers, or to ourselves. Whether and how…

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169. Sally Helgesen – Rising Together

“The best assessment tool is to listen to your people. They talk about “we” when they’re talking about the organization – you’re on pretty good track to have an inclusive…

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168. The 5° Principle | Prioritizing Priorities | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen R. Covey Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a…

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167. Michael Powell – Take Care of the Troops

“If you said…What do you think is the indispensable value of leadership? I would say it is to be selfless…to sacrifice for the good of others. To be willing to…

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