Return on Generosity Podcast Bridge Between Shannon Cassidy
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The R.O.G. Podcast

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What is the return on generous leadership and a generous culture? Host Shannon Cassidy speaks with innovative leaders who share real-life examples of the dividend of investing in others.

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132. Julie Dobbins – The Six Types of Working Genius

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Host Bio:  Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and…

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128. Pooja Midha – Giving and Creating Opportunities for Others

“It is about giving and creating opportunity for others, and that opportunity can come through the literal opportunity you give them, it could come through the feedback that you give…

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127. Focus & Priorities | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

Host Bio:  Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and…

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126. Susan E. Chapman-Hughes – Empathic Leadership

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125. Delegation | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

Host Bio:  Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and…

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124. Aiko Bethea – Emotional Intelligence and Boundaries

“There’s an irrational belief we have in this society, which is about, I should know everything. I should be an expert, I should know the answers…We have our self-worth hung…

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123. Habits | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle Host Bio:  Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a…

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